Friday, July 10, 2009

Concerned or Fuss Over

One often comes across families where if a person gets sick (be it as small as a cold or headache), they constantly fuss over the sick. When I mean fuss over, they constantly check on the person, make sure they are taking their tablets (if any), eating the right food, getting enough rest, making sure that they get complete rest. my family, we do only half of this fussing even when a person is really sick, like if they have chicken pox or jaundice etc. I don't ever remember a time when my parents would make a big deal of us falling ill. It was treated like another part of life and life would go on.

Growing up like I did, I guess I hate it when I see people fussing over small things in life. I've got to a point where, even if I break my bones, I would be like, "Well its just a broken bone. Let me go to the doctor, get it set and let the body take its time to heal. Meanwhile I would follow the advice of the doctor to help accelerate the process". But that all there is to it. Okay, I might not be able to do a few things that I normally would be able to. I guess I'll just ask the person next to me to help me if I cant do it. But I would hate it if someone treats me like a terminally sick patient and offers to do things for me.

I don't know If my attitude is right or wrong.....but that's the way I am.

Sometimes for a person who is brought up in a family where they fuss over everything, I might appear to be a very cold person without any feeling of concern for others. But, I think there is a earth and sky difference between being concerned and fussing over.

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